A man and woman holding hands
Photo by PHUOC LE on Unsplash


3 min readJul 26, 2022


A letter to the love of my life

Dearest you,

I have to admit that of late I’ve been thinking so much about you. What do you look like: when you smile or frown? laugh or cry? are you tall? (though you wouldn't need to be 6 feet to tower above me…5'8 is perfectly fine.) What excites you or disappoints you? Like seriously, I have been thinking of who you are …on everything!

To confess, I am really exercising patience to a fault right now. I do want to meet you and get answers to all the above questions, and I would very much like to start with “What is taking you so damn long to find me in this amazing independent island I have created and secluded myself in?” Here I am on our small piece of heaven waiting with flags, signs, flare guns, and fireworks all going off with your name, so that you can see me in the middle of this vast love ocean I believe you are sailing in.

Yet, my darling it seems you haven't noticed any of that. Therefore in the meantime whilst waiting for you, I have decided to explore my island more. I will; build a better house, learn how to swim with the dolphins, create my ‘beach-wear’ fashion line, discover artifacts and food recipes as well as appreciate the amazing scenery around. I will learn, grow, understand, and re-invent myself so that I can own and love ‘me’ better, to the point that you don't need to fill that in me, just add on to it.

My happiness dearie will be created from within me and hopefully, as you still sail along, you are also finding your joy too. Thus, when we meet we can focus on building a ‘megafabulatastic’ life together without trying to fix, mend or change each other to do so. And even if you take much longer than as it is, I will have built a raft, boat, or ship to sail to you wherever you may be. Given my very determined state to find you, I will, and instead of just jumping into one boat, we can hold hands and dive into the ocean to discover the world of adventures that awaits us together.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

With that said, yes I am still thinking about you but now, it isn’t just about who you are, but also about the person, I am learning to be. When you meet me, you won’t really wonder that much, you’ll know me because I will have learned to know myself so well that I won't second guess, I’ll know it’s meant to be my love.

XOXO, the love of your life too.

Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove it’s true.”

William Shakespeare

“Real love trusts, mature love understands and true love waits.”

Analiza Garcia

Stop waiting for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person to come to someone’s life.”

Leo Babauta

Photo by Annette Sousa on Unsplash

(Song of the day: I’ll Wait For You- Moriah Peters)




Realistic-Visionary; Network Enthusiast; and more of everything; of who I am, and of who I am trying to be…